Choosing a college can be hard. 有很多因素需要考虑——尤其是当涉及到你的未来时. 当你对自己进行这种投资时,你要确保这是一所合适的学校.
这就是为什么我们想花一点时间告诉你更多关于十大正规赌博平台大全伯克的事情, and why this college may be the perfect fit for you.
BIG university degree in a small college setting
At 宾州州立银行, you will earn a degree that’s recognized globally. 你的文凭将表明你是十大正规赌博平台大全的毕业生, one of the most renowned academic and research universities in the world. 你将在伯克斯县拥有一所重点大学的所有优势和资源.
As a student at 宾州州立银行, 你可以报名 in one of our 24 baccalaureate and associate degrees, or take advantage of Penn State’s 2+2 plan, 在转到十大正规赌博平台大全的另一个校区之前,你在哪里开始学习十大正规赌博平台大全的275多个专业.
在赌博平台大全,你将享受小班授课和更个性化的关注. You will have a greater opportunity to ask questions, participate in discussions, and have a more personal college experience. 我们的教授非常愿意与你联系,并亲自回答你的问题. They don’t just learn your name—they want to get to know you. 你将与教职员工建立个人关系,很快就会觉得他们是你的第二个家人.
十大正规赌博平台大全联邦校区的学生和大学公园校区的学生有同样的机会. 事实上, every student has the same access to Penn State resources and opportunities, no matter which campus they attend.
我们强烈建议一年级学生在十大正规赌博平台大全11月1日的提前行动截止日期之前完成并提交入学申请以及任何支持材料. 大多数奖学金都要求提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)表格. The 2024-25 FAFSA will become available in December 2023. 请查看 Federal Student Aid website to submit your 2024-25 FAFSA as soon as the application becomes available. 十大正规赌博平台大全估计,所有完成fafsa的新入学学生将在3月底或4月初从大学收到他们的经济援助奖包.
转校生也会被考虑申请各种基于成绩等因素的大学奖项, 财务需要, 和更多的.
Spirit and pride create a welcoming environment
We all know that Penn State is a big school with big personality. Here at Berks, we feel our sense of community is what makes us shine. 学生们享受着多元化的, welcoming community that includes many different cultures and backgrounds, enhancing the student experience. 你将与同学、教职员工和当地社区建立终身的联系. We know that once you set foot on our campus, it will feel like home. Not only will you be joining the close-knit local community, 但你也将加入伯克斯大学的校园大家庭——一个你可以依靠一生的大家庭.
There’s always something to do on campus, 参加我们的赌博平台大全活动,包括卡拉ok和其他表演, to the Arts and Lecture Series, to gallery exhibitions and theatre presentations, 还有更多. 更像是一个体育迷? 看一场我们的学生运动队或俱乐部正在参加的比赛.
Stay close to home, live independently
Local students have the opportunity to earn a Penn State degree close to home. 所有学生在赌博平台大全学习期间都可以选择住在校园里. 与我们的 校园房屋 capacity of just over 800 students, 住在柏克宿舍增加了学生的经验,并提供了更多的参与和领导的机会.
Students will have the opportunity to participate in 本科研究 和教师导师一起——这个机会通常留给研究生. 这项研究为我们当地社区提供了具有深远意义的解决方案, 对全州, and even international impact. Students have presented their research at national conference. 我们的学术和学习社区帮助学生建立关系,同时打开通往新机会的大门.
Students also have the opportunity to study abroad, whether it’s a trip embedded in a course, or a semester-long program in a foreign country.
Find your niche and get involved
There are more than 50 student-led 俱乐部和组织 that you can join at Berks. 参与通常是建立终身友谊和支持纽带的第一步,这是我们许多学生和毕业生所珍视的. And if you can’t find a club that meets your interests, you can start your own!
赌博平台大全也有一个强大的学生指导计划,支持一年级学生过渡到大学. When those students return the following year, they often choose to pay it forward by returning as mentors themselves.
After you leave campus with your diploma, you will continue to be supported by your Penn State family. We believe that once you become a Penn Stater, you are a Penn Stater for life. 拥有世界上最大的校友会,这是一个庞大的家庭和专业网络!
Penn State is one university, geographically dispersed. No matter which campus you choose to attend, we are all Penn State. 选择你的校园就是决定什么对你来说是重要的——如果是小班授课, 离家近, choosing the major you've always dreamed of pursuing, or participating in incredible research is important to you, then 宾州州立银行 might just be the perfect fit.
For more information on how to apply, contact the 宾州州立银行 Office of 招生 at 610-396-6060 or (电子邮件保护).